
As ‘Summer in the City’ is, indeed, in the city, we’re encouraging everyone to use public transport. Between the Bridges is just across the road (less than a five minute walk) from Waterloo Station – with mainline and multiple underground connections. 

Booking tickets

If you’re travelling by train please book your tickets through R&M as soon as you’ve confirmed you’re coming to the party. Booking early ensures we get the best value tickets. And please note bookings must be made through R&M as you won’t be able to expense any tickets bought independently. You’re welcome to book a ticket that includes a zone 1 tube journey to cover the travel from Paddington to Waterloo for example.

Travel from Bristol or Reading
The best route from Paddington station to Between the Bridges is the Bakerloo Line (direct from Paddington to Waterloo). It should take about 20-25 minutes.

Travel within London:
Between the Bridges is less than a 40 minute walk from the office, or you can jump on the 76 bus from outside the office (stop BE) to Waterloo Bridge which should take no more than 20 minutes. You can expense TFL travel via Chrome River using an Oyster receipt.


Please note there is no parking at the venue and you will not be able to claim for parking fees. Local parking facilities to the venue have been listed on the hotels tile of the microsite for ease. If you do drive please consider car sharing and ensure you’ve got business cover on your insurance policy.


As local transport is so easy to access, you’ll be able to head off at any time.  A shuttle bus service will be running to the hotels from 22:30. If you’re wanting to leave ahead of that you can take a tube (and submit an expense claim) or walk. All the hotels are within a 25 minute walk of the party.

If you’re uncomfortable taking public transport home from your local mainline station you’re welcome to take a taxi and submit and expense claim, with prior line manager approval. For example if you live in Brentwood you can claim a taxi from Brentwood Station, not Liverpool Street or the party.

The last Bristol bus

If you are not staying overnight and have selected the late night bus back to Bristol, please see here.


It’s important that our party is accessible to all of us. Therefore all those who have a disability (hidden or visible) will be able to have a priority pass (yellow lanyard), giving quicker access to facilities and entertainment. These yellow lanyards will be available from a steward on the way in or from a help point once inside or from Facilities locally, from Monday. And if you see colleagues with a yellow lanyard, please be mindful of their priority pass.

The venue is fully accessible with ramps, a wheelchair lift and disabled access WC.

Anyone unable to use public transport or walk from the station to the venue or to their hotel, can expense return taxis at either their line manager’s or HR’s approval. Please get approval for this in advance. Expenses with line manager approval can be submitted in the usual way and expensed to ‘office travel’. If you’d prefer to get this expense approved by HR instead you can drop a note to your usual HR contact and, once approved submit the expense to ‘misc other’.

We’ve noted all special access requests that have been communicated via the RSVP forms.

If you’ve got any specific concerns about the accessibility of the party please contact Kelly Power.