Sales and Marketing Away Day 2023

This year the away day will be held at the De Vere Beaumont House, with refreshments from 10:00 for a 10:30 start. This is a fabulous opportunity to bring the international Sales and Marketing team together to get inspired, build new connections and consider how your own roles support the growth of our international firm, whilst also having some fun. This year we will be finishing off the day with a Christmas party and disco so be sure to pack your dancing shoes!

A full agenda outlining the day’s activities can be found below, giving you a clear idea of what to expect. If you need us to make any reasonable adjustments, to help make this a rewarding and accessible experience for you, please contact Sophie Thompson. If you have any questions around the logistics of the day please contact Sara Ismail. 

I look forward to seeing you all there.

Ashley Hurst
