Fashion & Luxury Law Academy

A webinar series on legal issues in fashion and luxury

The world of fashion and luxury faces regular legal challenges: Evolving technologies like the Metaverse and AI, circular economy and the need for sustainability, enforcement of consumer rights and new distribution channels.
So how do you adapt – and stay on top?

Our webinar series has been designed to help you manage all of these challenges. The free monthly webinars will be presented by our team, who have years of experience in the fashion and retail industry. With a strong focus on current and practice-relevant issues, you will gain deeper insight into legal marketing and distribution aspects in relation to fashion and lifestyle products.


Top News

European Parliament adopts position on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)
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WIL Annual Gathering 2023 in Rome
So excited that Nanni Spitzer, among other inspiring women in leadership, will be speaking at the next gathering of European Network for Women in Leadership (WIL Europe)! They’ll discuss taking action on #climatechange, e.g., through #sustainablefashion initiatives, and other ideas about how all of us can offer solutions.
Enforcement risks mount in Germany for comparison and intermediary platforms
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Dark patterns and sustainability remain a target for Poland's consumer protection authority
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What's new in the fashion industry? The view from Poland
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Innovation underpins the global fashion industry's adjustment to decarbonisation
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Prevention is better than cure when managing global supply chain issues in the retail and consumer sector
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UK develops thinking on consumer credit law reform but manages expectations
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Poland's Office of Competition and Consumer Protection investigates 'dark patterns'
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Rethinking regulation of data-driven digital platforms
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European Commission focuses on fashion industry with antitrust raids
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Cyber security in the Retail & Consumer industry
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Osborne Clarke has advised erlich textil on the sale to CALIDA GROUP
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Osborne Clarke advised Superdry on the opening of a new outlet store in Lyon
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Advertising with sustainability: What companies must legally observe with "sustainability claims" in order to avoid "greenwashing"
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What are the legal issues around NFTs?
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New consumer contracts rules in Germany tighten regulatory regime further
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„Greenwashing“ in der Werbung: Rechtliche Anforderungen bei Aussagen zu Umweltschutz und Nachhaltigkeit in Deutschland
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New rules governing supply chain due diligence in Germany - Key facts and what you can do to prepare for the changes
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A New Deal for UK consumers?
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Impacts in the retail and luxury industry of the future ban on the destruction of unsold goods
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Happy to pronounce the launch of our German legal handbook for fashion law, published by Christoph Boeminghaus & Andrea Schmoll and authored by 22 current and former OC experts
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Expansion of UK copyright law for the fashion industry
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Supply chain due diligence