
Please make your own travel arrangements. It is preferred that you make use of public transport to and from the venue.

Rail travel
The nearest station to the hotel is Egham. Please ask your PA to book tickets via Reed & Mckay and charge to your usual team travel code. Where possible, please consider travelling with colleagues to make the most of group save.

Transfer to and from the Hotel
We will be offering a coach transfer from Egham station at 09:30 on Monday morning and back again on Tuesday at 09:00.

If you’re running late or miss the coach we suggest booking a taxi through Windsor Cars on 01753 677 677. The journey will take approximately 10 minutes.

If you have business travel insurance and wish to drive, there is plenty of car parking available on site and reservations are not required. Again, where possible if you are travelling by car, please consider car sharing with colleagues.