What’s the dress code?
Conference – Smart Casual
Gala Dinner – Dress to Impress
Wifi connections
Wi-fi Server: Beaumont_CONFERENCE
Password: b3aum0nt2020!
Wi-fi Server: Guestwifi
Password: Guestwifi123
Check-in & check-out times?
Check-in will be available from 17:00. Please let the events team know if you require access to your room earlier than this and the hotel will do their best to fulfil your request.
Check-out time is 09:00. Please liaise with the reception desk if you require a late check-out (11:00).
Breakfast times?
07:00 – 10:00
Do you need to reserve car parking?
No, there are plenty of spaces available at the hotel.
Does the hotel have leisure facilities?
Yes, the swimming pool is open from 07:00 -19:00 and the gym from 07:00 – 21:00
Running route?
There are several routes to choose from should you wish to explore outside of the hotel grounds and the Reception will be able to provide information on this.
Can I book additional nights?
Please book any additional nights via the R&M portal. You’ll then need to contact the hotel directly to let them know that you are part of the conference and would like to stay in the same room. This won’t be paid for centrally but can be claimed back through expenses if you have prior approval.
The costs for the conference and overnight accommodation will be met centrally. Travel related costs should be charged to your usual team travel code. Any additional charges to your room must be paid on departure – we will not be accepting expense claims for bar drinks etc.